Pro Pool Cleaning

Service price: $325

Fill out the form at the bottom of this page, & our sales team will reach out to you within 24 hours to schedule your service appointment.

    • Removing leaves and debris from the pool surface
    • Cleaning the tile surface at the waterline
    • Emptying and cleaning the skimmer basket(s) and the pump strainer basket(s)
    • Cleaning or backwashing the filter
    • Checking the filter pressure
    • Checking the equipment for proper operation and potential leaks
    • Vacuuming the pool bottom
    • Scrub bottom & walls
    • Performing water testing
    • Adding any required chemicals to balance the pool water
    • Blowing off pool deck area and equipment pad

NOTE: Chemicals are included in the Pro Pool Cleaning service price.

Schedule A Pro Pool Cleaning

Fill out the form below to schedule a Pro Pool Cleaning. Our sales team will reach out to you within 24 hours to schedule your service appointment.

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