Pool Water Chemical Levels Chart

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These are the ideal levels for pool chemistry, or the most acceptable range for proper pool water chemistry. However, while these are the average ideal ranges, certain situations may call for certain levels to be slightly elevated or decreased.

Ideal Pool Water Chemical Levels

  • pH: 7.4 to 7.6
  • Total Alkalinity: 80–120 parts per million (ppm)
  • Calcium Hardness: 200–400 ppm
  • Cyanuric Acid: 30–50 ppm
  • Free Available Chlorine: 2.0–4.0 ppm

pH Chart

Use this pool pH dosage chart to determine how to properly adjust the pH level in your pool. A low pH of 7.1 is desirable when using chlorine and sock, but 7.4 is best for swimmer comfort, surface protection, and overall water balance.

Lowering pH with pH Reducer

Raising pH with pH Increaser

Total Alkalinity Chart

Use this Total Alkalinity (TA) dosage chart to determine the correct amount of adjustment chemical to use for a desired change in TA levels. Remember — TA buffers pH — so too little TA makes pH erratic, and too much makes pH resistant to change. Use pH Reducer to lower Total Alkalinity, and Alkalinity Increaser to raise the level.

Lowering Total Alkalinity with pH Reducer

Raising Total Alkalinity with Alkalinity Increaser

Calcium Hardness Chart

Use this Calcium Hardness chart to determine the correct amount of increaser to add for a desired change in hardness levels. To lower pool water hardness, the solution is dilution! If your water has less than 200 ppm of total hardness, add Calcium Increaser.

Raising Calcium Hardness with Calcium Increaser

Chlorine Chart

Use this pool shock dosage chart to determine the correct amount of pool shock treatment. 30 PPM chlorine shock chart for killing algae and bacteria, and the 3.0 PPM super chlorination chart, used for cloudy water, after rain or heavy use, or low chlorine levels.

Chlorine Chart

Use this pool shoUse this Stabilizer dosage chart to determine the correct amount of Cyanuric Acid  stabilizer or conditioner to add for a desired increase. To lower stabilizer levels, the solution is dilution! If you use stabilized pool chlorine tablets, you will add 10 ppm per month.ck dosage chart to determine the correct amount of pool shock treatment. 30 PPM chlorine shock chart for killing algae and bacteria, and the 3.0 PPM super chlorination chart, used for cloudy water, after rain or heavy use, or low chlorine levels.