Pool Bottom Types

You may be wanting to dive into your pool, or maybe you want to play pool volleyball, or maybe you just want to wade around in shallow water.

All of these would change your pools bottom dimensions. Its important to make sure your pools bottom dimensions are built to best serve you & your family. Read below to learn about the different types of pool bottom dimensions that we can build.

  • Pool Bottom Dimensions

    • Standard Diving Pool
    • Wedge Pool
    • Flat Bottom Pool
    • Coved Bottom Pool
    • Sport Bottom Pool
    • Play Bottom Pool
  • Pool Bottom Material

    • Concrete/Mortar
    • Vermiculite/Pool Crete
    • Sand Bottom

  • Standard Diving Pool

    Standard Diving Pool Bottoms are a minimum of 8' deep with a 3:1 slope ratio. Bottoms normally include a shallow depth, a slope, & a hopper depth.

  • Wedge Pool Bottom

    Wedge Bottom Pools have a continuous sloped bottom along the full length of the pool.

  • Flat Pool Bottom

    Flat Bottom Pools are just that... flat. A flat surface with no slope or side walls, along the full length & width of the pool.

  • Coved Pool Bottom

    • A Coved Bottom Pool is similar to a Flat Bottom Pool, but with a Coved Bottom, your pool bottom can be deeper than the wall panels themselves.
  • Sport Pool Bottom

    • A Sport Bottom Pool has the Deep Hopper in the middle of the pool, with 2 slopes, & 2 shallow ends. This allows for a firm footing during games such as pool volleyball
  • Play Pool Bottom

    • A Play Bottom Pool is similar to a Sport Bottom Pool but with a Play Bottom you have no flat area in the middle of your pool.