Pools Versus Earthquakes: Videos That Went Viral

Pools Versus Earthquakes: Videos That Went Viral

When it comes to earthquakes, a swimming pool is clearly not the best place to be. Viral videos show the destructive power of Mother Nature.

In the clash between the forces of nature and the tranquil setting of swimming pools, earthquakes emerge as unexpected challengers, showcasing their power in various locations around the world. From rooftop pools in Mexico City to public pools in Nepal, the clash of earthquakes versus pools has been captured on camera, revealing the intense and sometimes humorous consequences of these seismic events.


Earthquakes & Swimming Pools

On September 19, 2022, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake off the coast of western Mexico sent shockwaves through the capital. While those on the ground felt the earth beneath them tremble, individuals enjoying rooftop swimming pools experienced a different kind of upheaval. The scene in Mexico City exemplifies the disconcerting disconnect between the serene setting of a pool and the raw power of an earthquake.

In Manila, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake had a surprising impact on a pool atop the Anchor Sky Suites. Despite the epicenter being 37 miles away, the force of the quake sent pool water cascading over the roof of the skyscraper, turning the pool into a turbulent sea. The unpredictability of earthquakes is vividly displayed as buildings sway like trees in the wind, challenging the assumption that pools are a safe haven during seismic events.

An earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015, disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of local pools, turning them into whirlpools of chaos. From neighbors crashing through fences to unsuspecting swimmers caught in violent waves, the footage highlights the immediate and dramatic impact earthquakes can have on seemingly secure pool environments.

Even mountain resorts are not immune to the influence of earthquakes. At the Summit Hotel in Nepal, a craft fair around the pool turned chaotic as the earthquake emptied nearly half the pool, flooding the patio and sending children running for safety. The resilience of the staff and the support from neighboring hotels during the aftermath reveal the community spirit in the face of adversity.

Beyond The Swimming Pool

Earthquakes have the power to reshape landscapes, as seen in the video compilation above. Another video explains a rare phenomenon where an earthquake actually caused the Mississippi River to run backward and reverse its course temporarily. The science behind this event demonstrates the far-reaching consequences earthquakes can have on the environment.

The destructive power of earthquakes can even be felt underwater. Divers near Mabini, Philippines, experienced the unsettling effects of underwater earthquakes. The shockwaves, resembling a massive propeller turning above them, forced the cancellation of a dive. The footage provides a unique perspective on the impact of earthquakes beneath the ocean’s surface.

As the video compilation demonstrates, the clash between swimming pools and earthquakes unfolds in unexpected ways, challenging the perception of swimming pools as safe spaces during seismic events. From rooftop waves in urban centers to rivers changing course, the footage serves as a powerful reminder of the unpredictable and potent nature of earthquakes, even in the most serene settings.

Earthquakes and swimming pools clearly don't go together. Photo Credit - Reuters - The Dangers of Earthquakes & Swimming PoolsEarthquakes and swimming pools clearly don’t go together. Photo Credit – Reuters

The Dangers of Earthquakes & Swimming Pools

During an earthquake, swimming pools can pose various dangers, and individuals near or in the vicinity of pools may face risks. Here are some potential dangers associated with swimming pools during earthquakes:

  1. Water Displacement and Overflow: Seismic activity can cause the water in a pool to slosh and overflow, leading to flooding in the surrounding area. This sudden influx of water can create slippery surfaces and contribute to hazardous conditions, especially if individuals are caught off guard.
  2. Structural Damage to Pool Infrastructure: The shaking caused by an earthquake can result in structural damage to the pool itself, including cracks in the pool walls or deck. Weakened structures may pose a risk of collapse, and damaged pool equipment could become a safety hazard.
  3. Wave Generation: Earthquakes can generate waves within a pool, turning what is typically a calm and controlled environment into a turbulent one. The force of these waves can cause individuals in or around the pool to lose balance, potentially leading to injuries.
  4. Dangerous Objects and Debris: Loose objects, such as pool furniture, equipment, or poolside decorations, can become projectiles during an earthquake. These objects may pose a risk of injury to individuals in or near the pool area if they are displaced or thrown around by the seismic activity.
  5. Electrical Hazards: Swimming pools often have electrical components, such as lights, pumps, and filtration systems. An earthquake can disrupt electrical connections, leading to electrical hazards. Submerged electrical equipment poses an additional risk of electric shock to those in the water.
  6. Structural Collapse of Adjacent Buildings: Pools located near buildings face the risk of structural collapse or falling debris from adjacent structures during an earthquake. This can result in a dangerous situation for individuals in or around the pool, especially if they are close to buildings.
  7. Injury from Falling: Individuals in or around pools may be at risk of injury from falling, either into the pool itself or onto hard surfaces surrounding the pool. Seismic activity can cause people to lose their balance, increasing the likelihood of slips, trips, and falls.
  8. Potential for Drowning: In extreme cases, the disorienting effects of earthquakes combined with the turbulent conditions in a pool could lead to a higher risk of drowning, especially for individuals who are not strong swimmers or who panic during the chaos.

It’s crucial for individuals to be aware of these potential dangers and take appropriate safety measures during earthquakes. This may include evacuating pool areas, staying away from pool edges, securing loose objects, and following established earthquake safety guidelines. Additionally, regular maintenance and inspection of pool structures and equipment can help reduce risks associated with seismic events.

Featured Photo Credit: ViralHog

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